Mental Health Check in

Mental Health Matters. In any given year, 1 in 5 Canadians will experience mental illness (note 1). By age 40, 1 in 2 Canadians have or will have had a mental illness (note 2). Behind broad statistics like this are real people. 

Perhaps you have had a sense of panic or anxiety at the thought of something in your life. Perhaps you have had some stress that seems to affect your entire being. Perhaps you feel low and listless.

Perhaps you feel stigma for how you feel and it feels impossible to reach out to get help. Stigma can prevent people from seeking help and acting on the resources around them for support.

You are not meant to walk alone. 

There are many ways to check in on your mental health. 

The Canadian Mental Health Association has a a quick online mental health check in test to quickly gauge your mental health.

You can check in with your family doctor if you feel symptoms. 

You can reach out to a therapist to begin discuss and work through current struggles in your mental health. There are many services suited to your particular needs.

You can reach out to different services and resources provided across Canada.

You are not meant to walk alone. 

Mental Health Matters.




Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash