Tips to Help Bond with Your Teen

When children are young, they may come to us and want our attention often throughout a day. 

But we should savor each and every interaction we have with our kids, because they will grow up and those interactions will change.

When children become teenagers, often times communication changes significantly.

If you have felt like communication is difficult with a teen in your life - here are a few quick reflections:


Take time to hear them - to listen and pay attention to what they are saying and communicating. 

Create Rituals

Communication may have changed significantly, but you still have the capacity to prioritize regular actions - rituals of connection. These can be simple things like a regular text message or a regular meal together or a time for a regular walk together - something that brings you together on a regular basis.

Support Their Hobbies

Teenagers are in the process of differentiating and finding their voice - their hobbies may not all be originated now in your desires - they are beginning to express interests in their own realms. Join them in their interests.

Ask Them to Teach You Something

Shifting the power balance in the relationship to be curious about their lives and interests can facilitate connection. Invite them to tell you about something they know much about.

Your kids will be out of the house before you know it. Take the time and make the effort to bond with your teen now.