Trauma: The Body Keeps the Score

Bessel Van der Kolk in his landmark book, The Body Keeps the Score, writes,  “We have learned that trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body. This imprint has ongoing consequences for how the human organism manages to survive in the present. Trauma results in a fundamental reorganization of the way mind and brain manage perceptions. It changes not only how we think and what we think about, but also our very capacity to think.” 

Perhaps you have been reading the book, the body keeps the score or engaging with podcasts or material about trauma to try and understand yourself and make sense of past experiences. Perhaps you have begun to reflect about ways that trauma has impacted your life. This is journey of process is not simple or clearcut or easy to walk. 

Trauma researcher, Frank Anderson, in his book, Transcending Trauma, writes, "Trauma blocks love, love heals trauma." Perhaps you are seeking to make sense of and heal from past pain and trauma. 

You are not meant to walk alone. Reach out today and one of our certified therapists will support you in a trauma informed manner.