Couples Connection: Hold Me Tight

One of the most significant couple's relationship books published is called, Hold Me Tight, by Dr. Sue Johnson. The book also has an accompanying workbook.

The book is organized around seven key conversations to have as couples. These key conversations are based around Dr. Sue Johnson's research in Emotionally Focused Therapy

Dr. Sue Johnson defines attachment in a relationship around the concepts of being Accessible (A), Responsive (R) and Engaged (E). This concept of attachment provides a basis for discussing the attachment needs and fears in a relationship. The book walks through seven significant conversations around attachment - connection in a relationship. The book also guides through the concept of repair in attachment - what it looks like to walk through the pain of attachment injuries in a relationship.

Perhaps you want to talk about deeper connection in your relationship. Perhaps you have deep attachment injury in the relationship.  Reach out today to work with one of our therapists to guide through conversations to foster greater connection and attachment in the relationship.


Hold me Tight, by Dr. Sue Johnson