Mental Health Check in

As the New Year begins people often make New Year's Resolutions. Exercise more, eat better, travel more or join a gym. Some research indicates that 43% of New Year's resolutions are "broken" or ended by the end of January (Note 1). Perhaps you long to make some changes in your life and you didn't make a resolution but inside you have some thoughts on some changes you want to make. Perhaps inside you want to change careers or want to develop new friends or hobbies. Perhaps you feel stuck in your life situation and feel powerless to make changes. 

Perhaps you are wondering... is it possible to get unstuck? 

Perhaps you feel shame, guilt or exhaustion that you haven't kept your resolution. 

Perhaps you feel afraid of even making a resolution even though you want to make changes. 

Whether you have made a resolution, feel stuck in a resolution or fear leaning into the changes you hope for - we are here to help. Our resolutions often signal things that we value. Our values are significant - they signify what really matters to us.

Our trained therapists help to listen and understand and support you in the process of getting unstuck.



Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash